Colleagues & Local Instructors

Beginning in 1999, the 2008 trip will be the fourth study trip to Puerto Rico. We have been fortunate to have knowledgeable and friendly colleagues whose expertise have contributed greatly to the success of these adventures.

Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto Universitario de Mayagüez (
Dr. María del Carmen Librán (Horticultura) (,

Dr. J. Danilo Chinea (Biologia) (,

Dr. Angel L. González (Protección de Cultivos) (

Estudiantes: Javier Caballero, Amparo Molinary, Dania Rivera, Juan Vazquez, Pamela Luciano

Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto Universitario de Rio Piedras
Dr. Mitchell Aide (Biologia)

Estudiantes: MariCarmen Ruiz, Miguel Acevedo

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Leopoldo Miranda

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Rebecca Flack prepared this presentation in 2002 prior to her first visit to Puerto Rico.

T & E Species

Since none of you chose to discuss animal and plants that are endangered in Puerto Rico, I decided to post a presentation given a few years by Evan Menzel when he was an undergraduate student in NRES. ENJOY.