My name is Cassie Carroll, and I am a senior in Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences with a focus on resource ecology. Originally from the north suburbs of Chicago, I grew up with a strong passion for the environment and learning about the world around me. I enjoy music, playing the violin and guitar, taking hikes, hanging out with friends and much more! The summer before junior year, I traveled to North Queensland in Australia and lived in a cabin in the middle of the rainforest. It was an amazing experience, and it was also my first time on an airplane! Taking that trip sparked a desire within me to travel and explore the world. And now, Puerto Rico! I am thrilled and excited to have the opportunity to learn about your island, its environment and its culture. Also, I can't wait to meet all of you! Please feel free to ask me anything because I probably will be asking you all lots of questions :) Hope to talk with all of you soon!!!
Take care,
Hi Cassie and the students in the class! I also attended Puerto Rico with Dr. Endress. It was a great trip and lots of knowlege was shared with us from the local professors. If you and the other students have any question please do not hesitate to ask me.
By the way you must watch out for Dr. Endress's driving, he does not drive like the natives!!(trust me its a good thing)
Cheers, Michelle Parkins
Hola from Nuevo York!!
I just wanted to wish you all a very interesting and enjoyable trip and learning experience. The Puerto Rico trip is supposed to be one of the best that NRES has to offer.
A couple years back I went to El Cielo, MX for a similar NRES 285 trip. It was one of the best, if not the best class I had as an undergraduate student. To this day I still enjoy remembering the class and keep in touch with friends from the trip.
Professor Endress is a great teacher and friend. Enjoy the semester of learning about Puerto Rico, hanging out with each other, and the trip of course!!! Take lots of pictures to make the rest of us jealous :)
--Jason Berner
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